![]() It's a cold, cold winter... Well, winter has finally hit - and it's sooo cold !!! I really don't like the cold, every winter we both threaten to move. It was minus 2 degrees on friday and the ground was completely white with frost, brrrr - now it's blowing a gale and making a cold day even colder! .....but enough of that... what about the art! Blue & White Anyone? I decided to experiment with a bit of blue & white porcelain this week. I had made some miniature landscapes for 'Trading Place' using some Traditional Porcelain, but wasn't sure if I should decorate the same way as I had done the stoneware ones I had previously made (see earlier posts). That's when I thought about just doing them blue. I really wasn't convinced in my own mind, but thought, hey... why not give it go - I could always wash it off and redo if I was really against it, right? I was still a little unconvinced even after doing it.... but they are growing on me.... Here's some of the results pictured below. ![]() Story Telling Cass has been powering along with more spirit figures and story dogs and is busily decorating them in her story telling style. Here's a work in progress shot (right) of one of her new Story Dogs which will be featured in the end of year exhibition. Sunday Ceramics Sunday Ceramics is now up to it's 20th episode - read along by clicking here and check out the other studios, always worth a read. New Horizons... We are also looking to the future and planning yet another exhibition, probably for 2016, as 2014-2015 are all pretty much booked out already for us - busy beavers that we are. We have already started the process of making pieces which will feature in this exhibition - name & venue yet to be finalised.... watch this space!!! ...and until next time keep creating!!!!
![]() Keeping up the creative flow... Well, it's been another big week in EFS Studios, is there any other kind! We have both been very busy keeping up with our creating, making more and more art - this makes us happy! Cass has been continuing her spirit figures and dogs - and has been busy this week decorating each one - as you can see, this is her pictured left, busily painting one of her puppies with blue underglaze, with some of the already decorated spirit figures behind. There's some great things happening with her works and it's exciting to see each piece come alive with her signature 'story telling' designs being painted on each one. She has been using a combination of textural surface treatments, oxides, ochres and underglazes to acheive the desired results. They are still to undergo the final firing process, so will be interesting to see the finished pieces after firing. I have also been busily decorating bisqued pieces getting them ready for their second firing. As well as pouring loads of little cups and a few caravans too. ![]() Walking in Country The other project I have been busy working on is a creative collaboration project with my Son, inspired by the project Cass and he did together last year, Yurgiyn Dahnswena (see previous blog about this), we decided to undertake a further project with him this year. He and I have been taking daily walks together around our bush property and then recording what we see and experience. Then we spend some time, usually weekly/fortnightly interpreting these walks into artworks. It's a fun process and great to see such interesting concepts and interpretations coming from a 4 year old. Exciting and rewarding. It is intended that then these artworks will be then used to create some further ceramic works with a planned exhibition and accompanying book. Stay tuned for more exciting details about this thrilling and inspiring project... and how you can be involved! ![]() Other things... I have also been working on a creating a website for a new client, Sea Silks Gallery. They are a collective of artists opening a new gallery in the Ramada Hotel complex in Ballina, the Grand Opening is today if anyone is nearby, it should be a great day - check out their brand new website, created by me - seasilksgallery.com Sunday Ceramics.... Don't forget to check in with the other studios on Sunday Ceramics Next week we hope to fire another kiln load so stay tuned for some more images of finished works so until next time.... keep creating! ![]() Unpacking the Kiln... Another very succesful kiln firing this week with great results. It's always so much fun unpacking a kiln after firing, I love the anticipation of wondering how that bowl looks, or did the spoons come out OK? Did the glaze work? etc... or knowing that you will have so many bisqued items to go on with and decorate to get to the next stage - good fun! We were both so pleased with the results and we have several pieces which have 'made the cut' into the Trading Place exhibition in Port Augusta. ![]() Mixed Messages... The above photos show some of the great results - although some of the photos don't really do justice to the pieces (as I only took them with the phone) but they really are great! I especially love Cass' coconut bowls, they turned out fabulous. Lots of my spoons turned out pretty good too, but I have mixed feelings about my miniature landscapes - some I love, some I'm not so rapt with, some I just can't decide.... does anyone else have this problem? ![]() Sunday Ceramics... Not sure if there's a Sunday Ceramics this week, there was talk of it going bi-weekly - but check it out anyway... always worth it! One of the Crowd... Check out my friend Kim's pozible campaign - some great rewards offered. I think it has inspired me to try it - who wants one of our artworks in exchange for helping us out? Stay Tuned for details... ... and until next time keep creating... ![]() In Print... This week we collected our photobook of the Dancing Dingo Project undertaken by Cass & Jay last year (read about it on our Collaborations pages). I created the book online using images from the project and text written by Cass about the project, using the software template provided. I must say that we are so pleased with the outcome. It's the first photobook we have made and are planning more, even though it is a relatively expensive process for just one book, well worth it, we think. What a great way to mark a project and have a record of it for the future, and, in this case, for our Son to keep. Here are some images of some of the pages in the book... (Click on an image to see larger version) ![]() Gettin' down & dirty .... again It has been great to finally get our hands dirty and covered in clay again - and we are both so much happier. We have finished the study unit 'Research Methods for Arts & Social Sciences' and are now breathing a huge sigh of relief (just now waiting on results). It was a very intense 14 weeks and so glad it's now over and that we can actually get back into creating artworks for the end of year show. Cass is making a large installation which will combine her Spirit Figures and Story Dogs in one artwork - it will be very exciting to see them both together in one installation and definitely something to look forward to! ![]() Trading Places... We are now ramping up our making efforts to create works for our 'Trading Place' exhibition. The premier of this project will take place in September at the Arid Festival in Port Augusta. We intend to make 100 artworks between us, all miniatures (which is a challenge for two people who like to work large) to take over to Port Augusta for trade. I have been busily making more miniature landscapes and find that it is something I really enjoy. So far I have used three different types of clay, all white varieties, as they take the underglaze decoration much better. I have just bought a pug of Traditional Porcelain to create some more and am interested to see how these ones will turn out. ![]() Sunday Ceramics Finally I have been able to write again, after the madness of assignments and am glad to be back with the Sunday Ceramics clan. Please go over to the site and take a look at what the others have been up to in their studios, always interesting. Until next time, keep creative!!! |
Clare UrquhartOne half of the Earth Fire Spirit Team, I have an obsession with transport & homes including caravans, mobile homes, temporary dwellings, etc ... and a passion for all Art! Archives
October 2015